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Join the database - Accommodation & CateringThe Point of Certification is the place where applications to join the database and applications for the 'BARRIER FREE' mark are processed.
Applicants from other regions, please, contact the Point of Certification in Moravian-Silesian Region. Certification process The aim of the certification process is to assess the compliance with the accessibility criteria and thus meeting/not meeting the conditions for being awarded by the 'BARRIER-FREE' mark. The process consists in several steps, beginning with the tourism provider´s application to join the database and assess the premises accessibility, ending by awarding or renewal of the certificate and the 'BARRIER FREE' mark. The accuracy and completeness of the data indicated are on the provider´s own responsibility. The complex questionnaire is used for the accessibility assessment, divided in four parts: basic data, the facility characteristics, the facility accessibility and enclosures (photo gallery which may be created afterwards). The accessibility part is a checklist of criteria with simple 'YES' or 'NO' answers (the facility meets/doesn´t meet the parameter). All partial parameters are described in detail which facilitates simple assessment whether or not the criterion is fulfilled. If the questionnaire is well-completed, the data about your premises is made public in the Accommodation & Catering database. In case you meet the certification conditions (reach the certain score), you will be awarded the certificate and 'BARRIER FREE' label to be posted on your premises. Information about the successful certification is made public only after you get these documents. From this moment a two-year period of certification validity begins. After expiration it can be renewed. Certification conditions - accessibility criteria Certification/accessibility criteria are divided into 3 groups and reflect the key needs of people with mobility, visual and hearing impairments. The criteria comprise both, hard (architectural) as well as soft parameters - services and staff competence.
Each group of criteria (A-C) includes partial parameters - both 'key' and 'non-key' parameters corresponding to a certain number of points (according to their relevance/importance). Each parameter is either fulfilled and receives full score or is not fulfilled and receives 0 points. No parameter can be met only partially. Compliance with all key criteria and at least 50% of non-key criteria within the partial group parameters is a pre-condition for being awarded the certificate and 'BARRIER-FREE' mark. ![]() |
Would you employ a trained wheelchair user as a professional advisor for accessibility and communication with clients with special needs in your facility?